USA and Canada

We are MTEL Global Group, including the following companies: MTEL Global d.o.o. Belgrade, registration number 21020958, having its registered office in Franše D’Eperea 88, Belgrade, Serbia, LINK2YU Network LLC, 340 S Lemon Ave #8618 Walnut, California, 91789, State of California, USA, and Link2YU Network GmbH, registration number FN 497831 f, having its registered office in Bockhgasse 9, Office 7, 1120 Vienna, Austria.

Each company operating as part of MTEL Global Group (hereinafter collectively referred to as MTEL GLOBAL) recognizes the crucial importance of adequate and proper protection of information and, consequently, this document lays down the basic principles of privacy policy to protect the privacy of personal data of individuals and ensure compliance with the law and the regulations adopted to protect personal data handled by all Group member companies in their business activity. If an MTEL Global member company adopts a separate privacy policy document, it will be forwarded to you, while this Privacy Policy will constitute a framework for the adoption of a separate privacy policy by individual member companies, so please get informed about these documents as well (if applicable).

Depending on the territory you reside on and whether you are a visitor to our website or a user of our services or someone interested in using our services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the customer), each company is either individually or collectively, as part of MTEL GLOBAL, the controller of your personal data, provided to, or collected by or for, or processed in connection with our services, depending on the type of service you use on the relevant territory or when accessing our website.

Unless otherwise specified, the terms “We” or “MTEL GLOBAL” will refer in this Privacy Policy to MTEL Global Group member companies collectively, if applicable, or individually, depending on the conditions referred to in the previous paragraph of this Privacy Policy.

Unless otherwise specified, the common term “Services” will refer in this Privacy Policy to all services provided by MTEL GLOBAL, including the use of the website, visits to our companies’ pages/profiles on social media, online chat communication, blogs, forums etc.

As our customer, the collection, use and sharing of your personal data are subject to this Privacy Policy (which includes our Cookie Policy and/or other documents referred to in this Privacy Policy) and all updates, if any. The provisions contained herein supersede all previous statements or notices regarding our privacy practices.

MTEL GLOBAL generally does not provide services in the Balkans (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia). If you reside in the Balkans, this Privacy Policy applies to you only as a visitor to our website.

Protection of Personal Data

MTEL GLOBAL takes very seriously the protection of your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes our policies and practices regarding the collection and use of your personal data and sets forth your privacy rights. MTEL GLOBAL uses up-to-date technical and organizational arrangements to protect your data from being accessed or misused by unauthorized persons. The Privacy Policy defines the following:

  • You as the customer
  • Purpose of data collection
  • Type of data collected
  • Data retention period
  • How to manage your data.

Personal data may only be processed and transferred as part of a specific task and solely for the purposes for which it was originally obtained. Personal data will only be transferred to third parties in line with the legal framework and/or with explicit consent. It will be deleted or rendered anonymous as soon as the purpose for which it has been obtained is fulfilled.

This Privacy Policy does not cover all links to other websites posted on our website. For this reason, you are recommended to read all privacy statements on other websites that you visit.

Protection of Children

We deliberately do not attempt to solicit or receive any information from children. If a visitor to our website is a child, certain types of data are collected but are not personally identifiable, while the use of the website is considered approved by the holder of parental responsibility for the child. If a child uses our Services, the use will be considered approved/authorized by the holder of the parental responsibility for the child (parents, guardians), since our Services are not intended to be bought/used by children unsupervised by adults.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to spend some time online with their children and get informed about the types of content available via our website or Services, or on the Internet in general. We advise parents/guardians to supervise on a regular basis their children’s use of e-mail or other online communications and transactions. Control tools ensuring a safe online environment for children are available through online services and software manufacturers. If your child has used a credit card in connection with our Services without your permission, please contact our Customer Support Service immediately.

Right to Access and Control Your Personal Data

You can access or delete your personal data. This document helps you learn more about the ways in which your data is collected, used and shared. We have ensured numerous options in connection with that, from deleting or correcting the data you have provided to controlling advertising and communications opt-outs. We offer you different settings to manage and control the personal data We have about you.

If the stored data is inaccurate, you can report it to our Customer Support Service at any time, by phone or via the e-mail address or the e-mail address used for data protection purposes .

You can request at any time free-of-charge information about the type of data stored about you, the origin of the data and the purpose of its processing. You also have the right to transfer or delete your data. If there is ever any reason to complain about the way in which your data is processed, you can contact us at any time.

If you have any questions this Privacy Policy has failed to answer or if you would like more in-depth information about the above, please contact our Customer Support Service (e-mail ) or e-mail us at . Residents of specific countries have the additional right to file a complaint with the data protection authorities on their territory of residence, if applicable under the relevant legislation.

As regards our data about you, you have the right to do the following:

  • Delete the data: You can request us to delete all or some of your personal data (e.g. if our services are no longer required).

  • Change or rectify the data: You can request us to change, update or rectify the data in specific cases, especially if it is inaccurate/incomplete.

  • Object to, limit or prohibit the use of the data: You can request us to stop using all or some of your personal data (e.g. if We do not have the legal right to go on using it) or to limit our use (e.g. if the data is inaccurate). The right to objection is a special form of the right to deletion.

  • Access and/or transfer the data: Generally, the right to access the data is the right to obtain information about who processes the data about you, the origin of the data, the purpose for which it is used and to whom it is transferred. You can ask us to provide you with a copy of your personal data at any time.

  • You will receive the requested information from MTEL GLOBAL not later than eight weeks of the receipt of your request regarding your rights described above or, in case of deletion or rectification, MTEL GLOBAL will either meet your request or, within eight weeks, provide you in writing with the reason why the data has not been deleted or rectified or why your requests have not been met in full.

Security Standards and Data Loss

MTEL GLOBAL protects the data stored on its servers. In the event of a loss of data at MTEL GLOBAL despite the highest security requirements, specific escalation measures, which will immediately identify and deal with any flaws, will be put in place, i.e. appropriate protective countermeasures will be taken. Depending on the severity or the relevant persons’ interests at risk, these persons will be informed about it together with the competent authorities (regulatory agency, data protection authorities, if applicable under the relevant legislation).

Personal Data

Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, phone number, address, e-mail address etc.

If you are a visitor to our website, we collect some data automatically, such as IP address, region or general location where your computer or device has accessed the Internet, browser type, operating system or other information about the use of our website, including the history of the web pages that you have visited.

Data is not personal if it does not relate to a specific person, such as the data about the gender or number of persons visiting the website per day. The statistics collected include, for example, the data about your visits to specific pages on the website and this data cannot be directly associated with you as a person, such as the statistics about the most popular pages on our website etc.


MTEL GLOBAL identifies and processes specific personal data and metadata, as well as other data that you provide as part of the contractual relationship and/or when granted the right to a free-of-charge promotional period for our services or when it is necessary to verify the buyer’s/customer’s identity.

Master Data

The personal data that you provide to MTEL GLOBAL when concluding the contractual relationship is considered to be master data. This includes your name, home address, phone number, contact details such as your e-mail address, and the information about the nature and content of the contractual relationship. In the case of legal entities, the master data includes also name, address and company registration number. MTEL GLOBAL deletes customer master data not later than seven years after the completion of all claims arising from the contractual relationship.


Metadata refers to all data processed to forward a message to a communications network or to bill the process. It includes, for example, active and passive subscriber numbers, type of device, charge code, number of units to be charged for the billing period, type, date, time and duration of a connection or other use, routes, the protocol used, the network from which the message originates or to which it is sent.

Telephony – To fulfill the contractual obligations related to telephony (calls and SMS), master data and metadata are processed for the purpose of establishing, controlling and charging telecommunications services. On our website, section User Account (“My Account”), you have password-protected access to your account, enabling you to track the consumption of telephony services and check the listing/history of your calls and sent SMS.

Operational Purposes

Only insofar personal data is strictly necessary for operational purposes (in particular troubleshooting of connection problems, network needs analysis, performance analysis, development and planning of network deployment, analysis and prevention of fraudulent practice against MTEL GLOBAL, optimization of offers etc.), it is processed by means of MTEL GLOBAL metadata. The metadata stored for these purposes will be deleted or anonymized after six months at the latest.

To ensure communication, MTEL GLOBAL works with different service providers, also having access to technical systems and data for troubleshooting purposes. Some of these service providers are located outside the European Union. In such cases, MTEL GLOBAL will ensure, by obtaining appropriate guarantees from the providers, that the EU’s high data protection level is complied with, as well as that their service providers and partners comply with the same standards.

We operate globally and rely on others to help us provide services and ensure the use of our website (e.g. maintenance, analysis, audit, payments, misuse prevention, marketing and development). They will have access to your information only insofar as it is necessary for them to perform their tasks or work on our behalf and they are under an obligation not to disclose it or use it for any other purposes. Whenever We transfer, store or process your personal data, We will take all reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of your personal data in line with applicable laws.

Contract-/Order-Related Processing
  • Telephony and SMS

    If you use our telephony services, your traffic data will be transferred to the so-called interconnect partner and the destination network operator, in keeping with legal obligations.

  • Order

    To process the order specified in your contract and/or the order for your device, We collect the following data: name and surname, address, e-mail address, phone number and date of birth. We need this data to confirm your order by e-mail, to deliver the ordered goods and issue the invoice and the contract document for the relevant service/tariff. If your delivery address is not the same as your billing address, your delivery address will be saved as well.

    The goods you order will be packed by our partner depending on your residence and sent by mail (e.g. Fedex, ShippingEasy). In order to deliver the goods, the shipping agent is granted access to your order data such as your full name, address and phone number. The data stored by shipping agents will be deleted upon the expiry of the statutory limitation period.

  • Refunds

    If you exercise your legal right to a refund, your master data will be used to refund the amount paid.

  • Contracting at Authorized MTEL GLOBAL Retail Outlets or with MTEL GLOBAL Distributors/Partners

    If you conclude a Service Contract for one or more services/tariffs and/or products at an authorized MTEL GLOBAL retail outlet or with an MTEL GLOBAL distributor/partner, it is necessary to enter your master data. This is required so that you could be charged for the Services you have requested and so that the Customer Support Service could use the data to meet your requests.

    If you conclude the contract with an MTEL GLOBAL distributor, the following personal data will be transferred for billing purposes between the partner and MTEL GLOBAL: name, phone number, device number (MAC address) and type of service/tariff. This data is needed to verify payment transactions and will be deleted once the data has been reconciled.


For accounting, business or legal reasons, the master data and metadata of customers and suppliers of MTEL GLOBAL are processed, analyzed and stored. All tax-related data is retained for seven years.


We send invoices for services/goods to the e-mail address you have provided for the purpose. Master data and metadata are used for billing purposes. The master data and the product/service information can be found directly on the invoice. Also, you can find all invoices in “My Account”, your user zone on the website, including the listing of used services. For billing purposes, the metadata and, consequently, individual records are kept until the time limit for filing a complaint or until the final decision on a complaint against the consumption-based bill. Invoices are stored for the statutory retention period of seven years.


If you want to pay your prepaid invoice via our website, the payment method you have opted for (credit card) can be used for automatic payment collection, if you have selected this option. MTEL GLOBAL works with banks and credit card companies to collect payments, while data is transferred in an encrypted form to service providers. The payment of prepaid invoices using the website user zone is made via PayUnity (European Union) and Authorize.Net (USA and Canada) as the service providers.

You may revoke your consent for automatic payment collection at any time, for any reason whatsoever, with effect for the future, by accessing your user account on our website (“My Account”) and turning off this function.

If you transfer the invoice amount to MTEL GLOBAL directly (bank order), the payment will be allocated to your customer account on MTEL GLOBAL by means of your master data that banks provide. If you purchase a product in connection with a service/tariff at an authorized MTEL GLOBAL retail outlet, the information about purchased products will be saved in the customer database, while your customer data will be printed on the invoice issued by the relevant outlet.

When purchasing services/tariffs directly via the MTEL GLOBAL application, you have the option to make the purchase via the Apple or Google system (the so-called “in-app purchase”). MTEL GLOBAL has no access to the data you enter during the purchase process. We suggest that you read the Apple and Google privacy policy.

Claims and Disputes

In claims and disputes cases, MTEL GLOBAL accesses the master data, metadata and payment, profile and customer interaction data saved in databases, needed to review claims.

If you contact an arbitration board, an interest representative (e.g. consumer information association) or an agent/lawyer, and an objection has been filed on your behalf, MTEL GLOBAL will forward the above personal data, needed to clarify the subject of the claim, to the arbitration board, the interest representative or the lawyer. As long as the procedure is in progress, the personal data described above will not be deleted. After that, general provisions on data retention and deletion apply.

Termination of the Contract

If you terminate the contract, your master data and saved customer interactions will be deleted after 3.5 years (after the expiry of the time limits for bringing actions arising from the contractual relations).

Extraordinary Termination – Handling of Special Cases

If there is an extraordinary reason for termination, such as the awarded guardianship or death, all the necessary master data and metadata, as well as notifications and documents, will be transferred to third parties, such as notaries, lawyers or specific administrative staff, if necessary.

Legal Obligations regarding Abuses and Emergencies

You are hereby informed and agree that our telephony services cannot be used to make calls to emergency services (rescue, firefighters, police etc.) and, consequently, We cannot provide information about your master and location data to any of them.

You can contact MTEL GLOBAL if you are being harassed by a specific caller and, if possible, We will take appropriate steps to protect you and will inform you about it.

Transfer to Third Parties

Your data will be used solely to provide our services and, naturally, will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent. Our employees and partners, who may acquire information about your personal data during maintenance and service, are bound by contract to non-disclosure. We do not reveal your personal data to third parties for their independent use unless: (1) you request so or authorize them for the purpose; (2) the information is provided to comply with the law, the contract that we have concluded with you has to be enforced or our rights, property and safety protected; (3) the information is provided to our agents, suppliers or service providers performing tasks on our behalf; (4) emergencies have to be addressed; or (5) disputes, claims and requests have to be dealt with or data forwarded to parties legally authorized to act on your behalf. Your data cannot be sold or marketed.

In accepting this Privacy Policy, the customer agrees that the basic customer and traffic data will be submitted to MTEL GLOBAL.

Transfer to Third Countries

The data We collect from you will be processed in the EU, the US and Serbia, depending on your residence or type of user (website visitor and/or user of a specific service that We provide), in line with the applicable legislation pertaining to MTEL GLOBAL business operation. MTEL GLOBAL collects and transfers personal data to third countries only: with your consent; to perform the contract closed with you; or to pursue a compelling legitimate interest in such a way as not to outweigh your rights and freedoms. MTEL GLOBAL seeks to apply appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy and security of your personal data, used only in accordance with your relationship with MTEL GLOBAL and the procedures described in this Privacy Policy. MTEL GLOBAL also minimizes the risk to your rights and freedoms by not collecting or storing sensitive information about you.

Customer Support Service

To deal with your requests and complaints, having to do, for example, with invoices, customer-related products and services or technical issues, MTEL GLOBAL processes master data and metadata stored in the systems, as well as customer interaction data, needed to reply to a request or solve the existing issue. Such a request may involve, for example, address updates, setting locks or enabling/disabling packages. In order to identify you as a customer, the information requested first includes, for example, your name, the device’s MAC address, or your phone or personal number, if you use our telephony services. For each customer contact, an entry will be made in our Customer Management System.

MTEL GLOBAL employees and/or authorized persons can access your user account exclusively with your consent and at your request, in order to make changes in it directly, as per the requested order. Each time the account is accessed, the data about it is stored in the Customer Management System.

In order to reply to all your queries, MTEL GLOBAL works with partners granted the same access to master data and metadata as its employees within their respective duties. Naturally, the same strict data protection regulations apply to the partners as well.

  • Online Chat Service

    We use chat software, a third-party service provider, to provide and support our online chat service, which we use to handle customer enquiries in real time. If you use the online chat service, We will collect your IP address and the contents of your online chat session (such as transcript, time, and identification of the operator in the Customer Support Service). We will ask you to provide your name and other personal data, if necessary, in order to help you (optional). The information will be retained for two years and will not be shared with other organizations. The privacy rules of our software provider are available at the following link:

  • User Profile/Account - “My Account “

    The user profile is a user account with password-protected access. Your user account enables you to view your address data, specific bank details, subscription to additional packages and the devices bought from MTEL GLOBAL. You can also view your invoice, the listing of used telephony services and check or set your passwords.

    You agree to treat personal access data as confidential and not to make it accessible to unauthorized third parties. MTEL GLOBAL will not assume any responsibility for password misuses, unless it is responsible for it. If you cannot access your user account, please contact the Customer Support Service immediately.

    The “remember me”/“stay signed in” feature of your Internet browser enables you to use your user account without signing in each time. MTEL GLOBAL is in no way connected with this browser feature. We recommend that you do not use the feature if your device is being used by more than one person and would like to point it out to you that the “remember me”/“stay signed in” feature will not be available if you use the browser settings that automatically delete saved cookies after each session.

  • Customer Support Service Provided via Social Media

    If you contact MTEL GLOBAL via social media, your data concerning the resolution of a potential issue, made public by you on your profile or submitted in your direct message to our company profile, will be processed and stored in the Customer Management System for the purpose of dealing with/solving the issue. Still, the message itself, if made public, will not be deleted from the MTEL GLOBAL profile. Customer data and direct messages sent to our company’s social media profile will be deleted three months after dealing with your request.

  • Calling the Customer Support Service

    If you call our Customer Support Service, the following telephone system information will be processed: the phone number that you use to make the call and the date and time of the call. MTEL GLOBAL records all calls between yourself and the relevant employee, about which you will be informed at the start of the call. Conversation files are automatically deleted after 30 days.

    Written Communication with MTEL GLOBAL

    You can contact us in writing via online chat on the MTEL GLOBAL web page or by e-mail, fax or letter. The documents are stored for three months, after which they are deleted or destroyed.

  • Repair

    If you hand over your device to be repaired due to a defect, it will be handled by our repair partner. The repair partner will not be provided with any information about you as a customer. Your complaints will be logged in the MTEL GLOBAL Customer Management System so that the MTEL GLOBAL Customer Support Service could check whether your device is still under warranty and, consequently, whether it can be repaired or replaced.

MTEL GLOBAL Apps and Services

    MTEL GLOBAL strives to constantly improve the quality of TV service. In the MTEL TV service, we collect, store and process MTEL GLOBAL quality-of-service-relevant data such as transmission quality and switching time, loading time and any additional buffer times for your TV use for statistical purposes; all the data is stored for and evaluated within a period of 3 months.

  • MTEL TV App and/or CALLING App

    MTEL GLOBAL app logs in with your phone number and/or using your user name and password, which data must be entered by you when logging in. For quality assurance, usage data is processed anonymously. We collect, store and process MTEL GLOBAL quality-of-service-relevant data such as transmission quality and switching time, loading time and any additional buffer times for your TV use for statistical purposes; all data is stored for and evaluated within a period of 3 months. You may revoke your consent for the future at any time and without stating reasons therefore.


    In the Homephone service, we collect, store and process your traffic usage data and all personal data necessary for providing the service as described in this Privacy Policy.

  • Advertising

    If you have expressly agreed that you would like to receive personalized offers, your personal data such as e-mail address, telephone number or address will be used. Your information received by MTEL GLOBAL during your visit to our website helps to improve your customer experience and to make it more customer-friendly and individual. The information submitted by you and the automatically generated data is used to design advertisements tailored to you and your interests. MTEL GLOBAL uses existing information such as e-newsletter delivery and read receipts, your order history, your service/product purchase history, the date and time of your visit to the website or products that you have viewed. MTEL GLOBAL uses the services of Mailchimp and Google Analytics to email e-newsletters and analyze your behavioral data. In addition, information such as your current tariff, your last device purchased at MTEL GLOBAL, and automatically generated data such as your consumption, the use of MTEL GLOBAL apps or your current location are analyzed. We use this information to refine our products and services to better tailor them to your needs and to communicate with you about other MTEL GLOBAL services that may interest you.

    The double opt-in procedure is used when you register on the website and/or buy the services through our online store, in which by confirming your e-mail address it is ensured that you have consented to the receipt of advertisements. You may revoke your consent at any time, for any reason whatsoever, through the opt-out link provided in an e-mail or by contacting our Customer Support Service.

  • SMS Notifications

    We use the services of the following providers: CLX, Infobip and Telekom Srbija, to deliver our SMS notifications. We collect statistics on SMS opening and clicks on links provided in SMS notifications. For more information how these providers collect and use your information, please see their respective policy privacy documents.

  • E-newsletter

    We use a service provider, Mailchimp, to deliver our e-newsletters. We collect statistics on email opening and clicks within e-newsletters using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our e-newsletter. For more information on how Mailchimp collect and use your information, please see Mailchimp’s privacy notice.

  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys

    MTEL GLOBAL strives to increase the satisfaction of its customers with the services and customer interfaces. For this purpose, if you have consented to the receipt of notifications of new services/products and participation in surveys, MTEL GLOBAL or MTEL GLOBAL partners may contact you by telephone, SMS or e-mail to participate in a survey. .

    The agencies receive your master data and profile data for the survey. In the survey itself, you can decide for yourself whether you want to give your opinion anonymously or personally to MTEL GLOBAL. You may revoke you consent to participate in a survey at any time, by contacting our Customer Support Service.

  • Sending Important Information about Your Contract

    In some situations, MTEL GLOBAL is required by law to keep you informed. This may be, for example, a change to your contract (e.g. an adjustment of the monthly charge or a tariff change), the discontinuation or modification of a particular service, a delivery delay of ordered equipment. In other cases, we would like to inform you about planned changes in good time to avoid any inconvenience; for example, to let you know when the scheduled network maintenance is to take place in certain areas. To be able to inform you personally, your master data and additional information such as your current tariff, additional packages you use or your last device bought at MTEL GLOBAL are processed. This service information will be sent to you via SMS, e-mail, telephone, post, on your monthly bill or as push notifications in MTEL GLOBAL Apps. For the postal mailing, MTEL GLOBAL works with partner agencies.

  • Profiling (if applicable)

    MTEL GLOBAL strives to provide its customers with the best possible quality of the services and products. MTEL GLOBAL will use automated data processing techniques to analyze customer behavior. These data processing techniques are called profiling. These procedures allow us, for example, to provide you with an appropriate personal offer based on your previous telephony and/or TV service behavior (e.g. a tariff offer with more traffic volume if your usage increases or better conditions for contract extensions). These procedures also help us to identify faults in the services or products at an early stage and to remedy them as quickly as possible.

Websites and Social Media
Analysis of the Website Use

We use different types of software to analyze the use of our website so as to gain valuable insight into the needs of our website visitors. These insights help us to constantly improve the quality of our offerings and customer interface.

Cookies Policy

We collect non-personally identifiable information through technologies, such as cookies, web beacons and pixel tags. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer’s (PC, laptop) hard drive, smartphone, tablet or any other device connected to the Internet by a website. Cookies allow an analysis of your user behavior, but also allow you to be recognized as a visitor to our website so you do not have to log in again if you previously logged in to our website. For this purpose, our server accesses your cookies and processes the stored information.

Cookies are used both to improve the quality of service, including the storage of user settings and preferences, and to track visitor trends, such as which products you have viewed and ordered. If the cookies function is activated in your browser settings on your computer/device, MTEL GLOBAL can recognize the browser of the local computer and offer you the advanced cookie functions. In principle, the cookies used to analyze user behavior are automatically deleted after 30-90 days.

The so-called session cookies are automatically deleted after 30 minutes if you close your browser or use the logout function. They contain only a randomly generated identifier that allows a visitor to be recognized during a session while using the website. Permanent cookies are only set if you allow them in your browser settings and you additionally agree; for example, if you allow the "remember me/stay signed in" feature on our website. Such cookies are stored for a period of one year and extended for the same period every time you log in.

You can easily manage cookies yourself: enable and disable cookies. You can manage cookies by following the procedure for the browser you use:

However, disabling the cookie feature may prevent you from using certain benefits or features when visiting our website. Therefore, we recommend that you enable the cookie feature.

  • Third-party Cookies

    Third-party cookies are not created by MTEL GLOBAL, but by another service provider (third party). Such cookies can, on the one hand, track your visits to third-party websites and display those advertisements on MTEL GLOBAL web pages or, on the other hand, display advertisements from MTEL GLOBAL on other web pages. These cookies are automatically deleted after a period of time specified by the third-party providers (between 7 days and 2 years). In the browser settings, you can set exactly whether you allow third-party cookies or only those from the web page you are visiting.

  • Google

    Our website uses Google services such as Google Analytics, AdWords, YouTube and Google Maps. The service provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). By using Google services within the MTEL GLOBAL website, a direct connection between your browser and the Google server may be established when a web page is loaded via the plug-in. Through the connection, browser-specific data can be transmitted, and cookies can be stored by Google, which, among other things, can identify the user's browser. Please, note that MTEL GLOBAL, the website operator, is not aware of the full content of the data transmitted and its use by Google. The integration of the plug-ins is not always visible to the user. Google's privacy policy can be found here: and the Google Analytics security and privacy principles can be found here:

  • Google Analytics

    Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses the so-called “cookies”: text files that are stored on your computer and allow an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website is usually transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the USA. However, if IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. On behalf of MTEL GLOBAL, Google will use this information to analyze your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to the website and internet usage. Google will not associate your IP address with other Google data. You can prevent the storage of cookies; however, please, note that in this case you may not be able to fully use all features of this website. You can also prevent the collecting and processing of the cookie-generated data (including your IP address) by Google, by installing a plug-in from:

  • For Internet Explorer, Third-party Cookies Must Be Enabled.

    The cookies for Google Analytics will be deleted after 26 months. For more information about Terms of Service and Privacy, please visit: and . We point out that Google Analytics has been extended on this website by the code “anonymizeIp” to ensure an anonymous collection of IP addresses (the so-called IP-Masking).

  • YouTube

    Our website uses plug-ins from YouTube, which belongs to Google Inc. As soon as you visit web pages with YouTube plug-ins, you will be connected to YouTube servers. The Youtube server will be told which specific pages of the MTEL GLOBAL website you visited. If you are also logged in to your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to associate your browsing experience with your personal profile. You can prevent this possibility if you log out of your account beforehand. For more information about collection and use of your information by YouTube, please read the YouTube’s privacy policy.

  • AdWords

    Our website uses Google Remarketing to offer you on other platforms advertisements that fit your click behavior on this website. If you click on a specific page or product on this website, Google will save your interest in our services/products or content on our website and may from time to time show advertisements from Google AdWords that fit your interest on various platforms you visit. This advertisement may refer to MTEL GLOBAL’s offers, but also third-party offers. To do this, Google saves a cookie on your computer that allows your user interests to be assigned to your computer (for details on cookies, see Google Analytics above). Your interests are recorded anonymously and are not associated with your personal data. On can control information used by Google to show advertisements. At this address, you can also disable the use of cookies by Google.

    If you have consented to Google’s associating your web and app browsing history to your Google Account, and using the information you view on the web with your Google Account to personalize your advertisements, Google associates that information with Google Analytics data to create and define audiences for cross-device remarketing. To support this feature, Google Analytics will collect unique IDs. You can change your settings under My Account on Google.

  • Google Maps

    Our website uses Google Maps by Google Inc. Google may transmit and store the information about your use of the website (including your IP address) on servers in the USA. Google Maps terms of use can be found under Google Maps Terms of Service.

  • Social Media

    Our website uses social plug-ins of the following social networks: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. These services are provided by Facebook Inc., Instagram LLC and LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company/LinkedIn Corporation and Instagram LLC (“Provider”).

    Facebook is operated by Facebook Inc., CA 94304, USA ("Facebook"). An overview of the Facebook plug-ins can be found here: .

    LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, Sunnyvale, California, USA or LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company (“LinkedIn”). An overview of the LinkedIn plug-ins can be found here:

    Instagram is operated by Instagram LLC, CA 94025, USA ("Instagram"). An overview of the Instagram plug-ins can be found here: .

    When you are on our website, direct connection between you browser and servers of the aforementioned social media is established. Thus, a social network gets information about your visit to the website and the IP address. If you click, for example, on the Like or Share button while you are logged in your account on a social network, you can link the contents from our website to your account on that social network. Thus Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or Youtube can associate your visit to our website with your account on the respective social network. We want to point out that we are not aware of the content of the transmitted data or its use by the aforementioned social media. For more information, please read privacy policy documents of the aforementioned social networks. Za više informacija upoznajte se sa politikom privatnosti navedenih društvenih mreža.

    To prevent a social network from associating your visit to our website with your account on the social network, please, log out of your account.

  • Facebook Custom Audiences

    Our website uses “Custom Audiences”, the Facebook remarketing feature. This function serves to show advertisements on Facebook (“Facebook Ads”) to visitors of our website, based on their interest in our services/products or other contents on our website. For this purpose, a code, also called Facebook pixel, is implemented on our website. Through this pixel, a direct connection to the Facebook servers is made when visiting the website. Information that you have visited the website is transmitted to the Facebook server and Facebook assigns this information to your Facebook user account. For more information on the collection and use of data by Facebook and your data protection rights, see Facebook’s privacy policy on You can disable advertising settings on For this you must be logged in to Facebook.

  • Log Data

    When you visit our website, the web servers temporarily store information about each access/log-in in a so-called server log file. The following data is collected and stored until automated deletion:

    - IP address

    - date and time of access

    - http method and URL request

    - http code that is returned

    - length of response in bytes

    - the URL of the page from which the request was sent

    - browser identification

    This data will not be associated with the data from other sources. In addition, the data will be deleted after a statistical evaluation by the server after a maximum of 54 weeks.

Your Rights (Addition)

As stated elsewhere in this document, depending on your place of residence, you may have some additional privacy protection rights. This Privacy Policy does not limit your rights granted in compliance with the applicable laws of the territory where you have your residence. For example:

  • In the EU (according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you have the right to access and request a copy of your personal data in our possession; you have the right to contact us and request that we delete your personal data from the system; you have a legal right to request that your personal data be rectified. We will make any and all commercial efforts to comply with your requests, but we may decline your requests in case they are unreasonably repeated; they are in disproportion to or in violation of the privacy rights of other persons; or it is otherwise allowable under the law. Please, note that in case you revoke you consent or otherwise object certain processing of your personal data, certain Services may no longer function properly or may not be accessible.

  • Under the laws of California, the residents of California who have established a business relationship with us, have the right to request certain information with respect to personal data we shared with third parties for the purposes of their direct marketing and with respect to identity of such third parties, in an immediately preceding calendar year, subject to certain exceptions. All such requests must be in writing and emailed to .The same law of the State of California allows us, in response to your written request, to offer you a possibility on a free-of-charge basis to choose not to share your data, but rather an option to provide the above described data. You may take advantage of this right by contacting us at the aforementioned address.

  • Under the laws of Serbia, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection. A supervisory body for personal data protection in the Republic of Serbia is the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 15, Belgrade, Serbia.

If you seek to exercise any of the aforementioned rights or have any further questions, you can reach us at or

Dispute Resolution

If you reside in the territory of USA or Canada and use the Services of LINK2YU Network LLC, you and LINK2YU Network LLC (collectively “the Parties”) agree that any dispute relating to this Privacy Policy or any other binding document that you have with LINK2YU Network LLC will be exclusively governed by the laws of the State of California, USA, excluding the conflict of laws rules. In the event of any misunderstanding or dispute in connection with this Privacy Policy, the Parties will attempt to resolve it amicably, by mutual agreement. All disputes which cannot be settled as previously envisaged shall be finally settled by the court of competent jurisdiction in California, USA.

If you reside in the territory of the European Union and use the Services of Link2YU Network LLC, you and Link2YU Network GmbH (collectively “the Parties”) agree that any dispute relating to this Privacy Policy or any other binding document that you have with Link2YU Network GmbH will be exclusively governed by the laws of Austria, excluding the conflict of laws rules. In the event of any misunderstanding or dispute in connection with this Privacy Policy, the Parties will attempt to resolve it amicably, by mutual agreement. All disputes which cannot be settled as previously envisaged shall be finally settled by the court of competent jurisdiction in Vienna, Austria.

If you are a visitor to our website or a user of Services of MTEL Global d.o.o. Beograd, you and MTEL Global d.o.o. Beograd (collectively “the Parties”) agree that any dispute relating to this Privacy Policy or any other binding document that you have with MTEL Global d.o.o. Beograd will be exclusively governed by the laws of Serbia, excluding the conflict of law rules. In the event of any misunderstanding or dispute in connection with this Privacy Policy, the Parties will attempt to resolve it amicably, by mutual agreement. All disputes which cannot be settled as previously envisaged shall be finally settled by the court of competent jurisdiction in Belgrade, Serbia.

Modifications, Effective Date

This Privacy Policy applies to your use of our website and Services as of the “Effective Date.”

We may from time to time update all or parts of this Privacy Policy, at any time and without individual notice to you, but we will always publish a new version through our website or our Services. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about MTEL GLOBAL information practices. If you object to any changes, please stop using our website and/or close your account (if applicable) or contact us without delay.

You acknowledge that your continued use of our website and our services after we publish or send a notice about our modifications to this Privacy Policy, if applicable, will mean that the collection, use and sharing of your personal data is subject to the modified version of Privacy Policy and will be deemed as your acceptance of those modifications.

Latest version: Effective Date October 10, 2020

We have made the new Privacy policy, effective May 25th 2018. By continuing to use our services and/or our web site after May 25th, you agree to this Privacy Policy.


GO4YU GmbH Austria (hereinafter: We, GO4YU or “GO4YU GmbH”), Mariahilfer Straße 103/8, 1060 Vienna, will be the controller of your personal data provided to, or collected by or for, or processed in connection with our services; you are entering into the agreement with GO4YU GmbH.

As a visitor of our web site or customer of our services, the collection, use and sharing of your personal data are subject to this Privacy Policy (which includes our Cookie Policy and/or other documents referenced in this Privacy Policy) and updates if any. The provisions contained herein supersede all previous notices or statements regarding our privacy practices.

GO4YU generally doesn’t provide the services for the Balkan territory, whether or not, now or in future, part of European Union (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia), so if you reside in Balkan territory this Privacy policy applies to you only as a visitor to our web site.

Protection of personal data

GO4YU takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. This Privacy Policy describes our policies and practices regarding collection and use of your personal data, and sets forth your privacy rights. GO4YU use up-to-date technical and organizational arrangements to protect your data against access and misuse by unauthorized persons. This Privacy policy regulates the following:

  • You: visitor of the website or customer of GO4YU services;
  • Purpose of collecting the data
  • Type of data that we collect
  • Duration of the stored data
  • Handling your personal data by You

Personal data may only be processed and transmitted within the framework of the specific task and only for the purposes for which they were originally collected. Personal data will only be transmitted to third parties within the framework of legal regulations and/or with explicit consent. They are deleted or made anonymous immediately after the purpose for which they were collected ceases.

This Privacy Policy does not cover all the links within our web site linking to other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit.

Protection of children

We do not knowingly attempt to solicit or receive any information from children. In case that a visitor to our website is a child, certain types of data are collected but not personally identifiable, and the usage of the website will be considered as approved/authorized by the holder of parental responsibility for the child. In case that the child is using our services, we will also consider that the usage is approved/authorized by the holder of parental responsibility for the child (parents, guardians), since our services are not intended to be bought/used by the children without the supervision of the adults.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to spend time online with their children and to become familiar with the types of content available through our website or service and on the Internet in general. We advise parents/guardians to regularly oversee their child’s use of e-mail and other online communications and transactional features. Control tools are available from online services and software manufacturers that can help to provide a safe online environment for children. If your child has used your credit card in connection with our service without your permission, please contact our Customer Service immediately.

Rights to Access and Control Your Personal Data

You can access or delete your personal data. In this document, you can find out more information about how your data is collected, used and shared. We provide many choices about the collection, use and sharing of your data, from deleting or correcting data you have provided and controlling the advertising opt-outs and communication controls. We offer you settings to control and manage the personal data we have about you.

If the stored data is not correct, you can report it at any time through our Customer service, by phone or via the e-mail: or to our designated e-mail address for the purposes of data protection: .

At any time you have the right to ask for free information about the data stored about you, their origin and recipients as well as the purpose of the data processing. You also have the right to transfer data and delete your data. Should there ever be any reason to complain about the processing of your data, you can contact us at any time.

If you have any questions that this Privacy Policy could not answer or if you would like more in-depth information, contact us on our contact details of Customer service, or on e-mail Users have additional right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

For personal data that we have about you, you have the following rights:

  • Delete Data: You can ask us to erase or delete all or some of your personal data (e.g., if it is no longer necessary to provide our services to you).

  • Change or Correct Data: You can edit some of your personal data through your account. You can also ask us to change, update or fix your data in certain cases, particularly if it’s inaccurate.

  • Object to, or Limit or Restrict, Use of Data: You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data (e.g., if we have no legal right to keep using it) or to limit our use of it (e.g., if your personal data is inaccurate). The right to object is a special form of the right to deletion.

  • Access and/or Take Your Data: the right to access the data is, in general, the right to obtain information as to who processes what data concerning you, where the data originated, for which purpose they are used, as well as to whom the data are transmitted. You can ask us for a copy of your personal data at any time.

  • Up to eight weeks of the receipt of the request regarding your rights, the information shall be provided by GO4YU or in case of deletion or rectification the application shall be compiled by the GO4YU, or you will receive within defined period of eight weeks a reason given in writing why the information is not or not completely provided or a reason in writing shall be given why the requested erasure or rectification was not carried out.

Security standards and data loss

GO4YU protects the data stored on its servers according to the state of the art. In the event of a loss of data at GO4YU despite the highest security requirements, GO4YU has envisaged specific escalation measures, which will promptly identify and correct any defect or take appropriate countermeasures. Depending on the severity or concern of specific persons, these and the relevant authorities (regulatory authority, data protection authority) will be informed.

Personal data

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, telephone number, address, e-mail address, etc.

If you are a visitor of the website, we collect certain data automatically, such as IP address, region or general location where your computer or device is accessing the Internet, browser type, operating system and other usage information about the use of our website, including the history of the pages that you have viewed.

Data is not personal if it does not relate to a specific person eg the gender or how many people visit the website per day. Statistical data that are collected, for example, when visiting the certain pages on the website and that cannot be directly associated with you as a person eg statistics, which pages are particularly popular on the website etc.


GO4YU identifies and processes personal and metadata, as well as other information you provide in the framework of the contract and/or when using the approved promo period free of charge for our services, and possibly as part of the verification of the customer's identity.

Master data

Personal data, which you provide to GO4YU at the conclusion of the contract, are understood to be the master data. This includes: name, address, telephone number, contact information such as your e-mail address, information about the nature and content of the contractual relationship. For companies: the company name, registered address and the company register number are also part of the master data. GO4YU deletes the master data relating to the customer no later than seven years after completion of all claims arising from the contractual relationship.


Metadata, refers to all data that is processed to forward a message to a communications network or to bill that process. These are, for example, active and passive subscriber numbers, type of device, charge code, total number of units to be charged for the billing period, type, date, time and duration of a connection or other use, routes, the protocol used, the network from which the message originates or to which it is sent.

Telephony - to fulfill the contractual obligations of the telephony (voice and SMS service), master data and metadata are processed in order to establish, control and charge telecommunication connections. On our website in section user account (My profile), you have access protected with password where you can track the consumption of the telephony service and review the listing of your calls and sent SMS.

Operational purposes

Only insofar as personal data are strictly necessary for operational purposes (in particular, troubleshooting of connection problems, network needs analysis, performance analysis, development and planning of network deployment, analysis and prevention of fraudulent activities, offers optimization etc.) are processed by using GO4YU metadata. Metadata stored for these purposes will be deleted or anonymized at the latest after 6 months.

In order to ensure communication, GO4YU works with different service providers who also have access to the technical systems and data for troubleshooting purposes. Some of these service providers are also outside the Designated countries. If this is the case, GO4YU will ensure, by means of appropriate guarantees given by the providers that the high level of data protection of the European Union and of Austria, as well as its service providers and partners, will be complied with.

We operate globally, and we use others to help us provide our services and website (e.g., maintenance, analysis, audit, payments, fraud detection, marketing and development). They will have access to your information as reasonably necessary to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for other purposes. Whenever your personal Information is transferred, stored or processed by us, we will take reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of your personal data in accordance with applicable law.

Processing related to the contract/order
  • Telephony and SMS

    If you are using our telephony services, your traffic data will be transmitted to so-called interconnect partner and to the operator of the destination network, in line with legal obligations.

  • Order

    For the processing of order of your contract and / or your device, we collect the following personal data: first and last name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth. We need this to confirm your order by e-mail, to deliver the ordered goods, to issue the invoice and the contract document for the respective service/tariff. If your delivery address differs from your billing address, the delivery address will also be saved.

    The goods you order will be packed by our partner depending of your residence and sent by post (DHL, Shipping easy, Canada post). For the delivery of the goods, the freight forwarder receives access to your order data such as full name, address and telephone number. The data stored by the forwarding companies will be deleted after expiry of the statutory limitation period.

  • Returns

    If you use the legal right of withdrawal, your master data will be used in order to return the paid sums.

  • Contracting in GO4YU shop or with a distributor/partner of GO4YU

    If you conclude a service contract for one or more service/tariffs and/or products in GO4YU shop or through distributor/partner of GO4YU, it is necessary to submit the master data. This is required to charge for the service you have claimed as well as to be available for your requests in customer service.

    If you conclude the contract with a distributor of GO4YU, the following personal data will be transmitted for the billing between GO4YU and this partner: such as name, telephone number, device number (MAC address) and type of service/tariff. These data are necessary for the verification of the payment transactions and are deleted after the data has been reconciled.


For accounting, business or legal reasons, the master data and metadata of customers and suppliers of GO4YU are processed, analyzed and stored. All tax-relevant records are kept for seven years.


We are sending the invoices to the e-mail address specified by you for exactly this purpose. Master and metadata are used for billing purposes. The master data and product/service data can be found directly on the invoice. You can also find all invoices in your customer zone on the web site “My profile”, including the listing of the usage of the services. For billing purposes, the metadata and thus also their individual records are stored until the deadline for filing a complaint or a final decision on the complaint against the consumption based bill. The invoices are stored for the statutory retention period of 7 years.


In case of payments of the prepaid invoice through our web site, the method of payment you have announced (credit card) can be used for automatic payment collection if you have chosen this option. GO4YU works with banks and credit card companies to collect payments. In this case, data is transmitted in encrypted form to the service providers. Customers who settle their prepaid account via the customer zone section of the website are handled via the service provider Payunity (Designated countries) and (the USA and Canada).

You may revoke your consent to the automatic payment collection at any time, for any reason whatsoever, with effect for the future, by accessing to your user account on our website (“My profile”) and turning off this function.

If you transfer the outstanding invoice amount to GO4YU yourself (a bank's order), the payment will be automatically allocated to your customer account at GO4YU using your master data, which is provided by the banks. If you buy a product in connection with a service/tariff in GO4YU shop, the information about purchased products is stored in the customer database. In this case, your customer data will also be printed on the invoice issued in the shop.

When purchasing tariff/service directly from GO4YU application, you have the option to make purchase through Apple or Google system (so called „in-app purchase“). GO4YU does not have access to the data you enter during the purchase process. We suggest you to get acquainted with Apple and Google Privacy Policy.

Claims and disputes

In claims and disputes cases, GO4YU accesses the master, meta, payment, and profile data and customer interactions stored in databases that are needed to review the claim.

If you contact the arbitration board if any, a representation of interests (eg Association for Consumer Information) or an attorney and you are brought in an objection on your behalf, GO4YU gives your personal data mentioned above to the arbitration board or interest representative or the lawyer needed to clarify the opposition case. As long as the process is legally in progress, the personal data described above will not be deleted. Afterwards, the general retention and deletion periods apply.

Termination of the contract

If you terminate your contract, your personal master data and saved customer interactions will be deleted after 3.5 years (after completion of all claims arising from the contractual relationship).

Extraordinary termination - handling of special cases

If there is an extraordinary reason for termination, for example due to guardianship or death, the necessary master and metadata but also notifications and documents are transmitted to third parties such as notaries, lawyers, or certain administrative staff if necessary.

Legal obligations regarding abuses and emergencies

You are informed and agreed that our telephony services cannot be used for making an emergency calls service (rescue, fire brigade, police, etc.), so we are not able to provide information about your master and location data to any emergency services.

You have the option of turning to GO4YU if you are being harassed by a specific caller. If it is feasible, we will apply appropriate measures to protect you and inform you about it.

Transfer to third-parties

Your data will be used exclusively to provide our service and of course, will not be disclosed to third parties without your explicit consent. Our employees and partners, who could gain knowledge of your personal data through maintenance and service, are bound to secrecy. We do not reveal your personal data to third-parties for their independent use unless: (1) you request or authorize it; (2) the information is provided to comply with the law, disclosure to authorities according to the legal obligation, enforce an agreement we have with you, or to protect our rights, property or safety; (3) the information is provided to our agents, vendors or service providers who perform functions on our behalf; (4) to address emergencies; or (5) to address disputes, claims, or to persons demonstrating legal authority to act on your behalf. There is no sale or marketing of your data.

Transfer to third countries

Information we collect from you will be processed in Austria, USA and Serbia, depending of your residence and type of user (a visitor of the website and/or user of certain services of ours), and in line with legal regulations. The United States has not sought nor received a finding of “adequacy” from the European Union under Article 45 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Since Serbia is in the negotiation process with European Union regarding the association, it is expected to adopt the new Data Protection Law, fully harmonized with GDPR. GO4YU relies on derogations for specific situations as set forth in Article 49 of the GDPR.

In particular, GO4YU collects and transfers to the third countries personal data only: with your consent; to perform a contract with you; or to fulfill a compelling legitimate interest of GO4YU in a manner that does not outweigh your rights and freedoms. GO4YU endeavors to apply suitable safeguards to protect the privacy and security of your personal data and to use it only consistent with your relationship with GO4YU and the practices described in this Privacy Policy. GO4YU also minimizes the risk to your rights and freedoms by not collecting or storing sensitive information about you.

Customer service

For processing your requests and appeals, such as invoices, customer-related products and services, or technical issues, GO4YU processes the master and traffic data stored in the systems, as well as customer interactions necessary to respond to the request or resolve the existing issue. Such a request may involve, for example, changing address, setting locks, or enabling / disabling packets. In order to identify you as a customer, data such is your name, MAC address of the device, telephone number or personal number if you are using our calling services, is first requested. For each customer contact, an entry will be made in our customer management system.

Employees of GO4YU can access your user account with your consent to make changes there according to your order. Every access is stored in the customer management system.

In order to answer your queries, GO4YU also works with partners who have the same access to the master and metadata as employees in their duties. Of course, the same strict data protection regulations apply to these.

  • On-line chat service

    We use a third-party provider – chat software, to supply and support our on-line chat service, which we use to handle customer enquiries in real time. If you use on-line chat service we will collect IP address and the contents of your on-line chat session (such as transcript, time, and identification of the operator in Customer service). We will ask you to provide your name or other personal data if it is necessary for helping you (optional). This information will be retained for two years and will not be shared with any other organizations. The privacy policy of our software provider you may find at the following link:

  • User profile/account – “My profile”

    The user profile is a customer account with password-protected access. Here you can view your address data, certain bank details, subscribed additional packages and purchased devices from GO4YU. You can also view your invoice, listing for the telephony services and view and set your passwords. The user profile is deleted 6 weeks after contract termination.

    You agree to treat the personal access data as confidential and not to make it accessible to unauthorized third parties. GO4YU assumes no liability for misused passwords, unless GO4YU is responsible for the abuse. If you can no longer log into the user profile, please contact the Customer service team without delay.

    The "remember me"/"stay signed in" feature of your browser allows you to use the user profile without logging in again each time. GO4YU is not connected in any way with this browser feature. We recommend that you do not use this feature if your device is being used by more than one user, and indicate that the "remember me"/”stay signed in” feature will not be available if you use a setting in your browser that automatically deletes saved cookies after each session.

  • Customer service via social media

    If you contact GO4YU via social media, your data regarding resolving potential issue, which you publicly disclose with your profile or in person in your direct message to our company profile, will be processed and stored in the Customer Management System for the purpose of servicing/resolving the issue. However, the message itself, if it is publicly disclosed, will not be deleted from GO4YU profile. The user data as well as direct messages to our company profiles on social media, will be deleted 3 months after servicing your request.

  • Call the Customer service

    If you call the Customer service the following information of the telephone system is processed: the phone number that you use to make the call and date and time of the call. GO4YU records conversations between you and the employee, and you will be informed about it at the beginning of your call. The conversation files are automatically deleted after 30 days.

    Written communication

    You can contact us in writing via on-line chat on GO4YU web site, e-mail, fax or letter. All documents are stored for 3 months and then deleted or destroyed.

  • Repair

    If you hand over your device for repair due to a defect, it will be handled by the repair partner. Repair partner will not receive any information about You as a customer. Your complaints will be logged in your customer account in the customer management system of GO4YU, so that GO4YU customer service can check through the customer management system whether your device still has a guarantee or warranty and thus the product can be repaired or exchanged.

GO4YU apps. and services
  • GO4TV

    GO4YU strives to constantly improve the quality of TV service. In the GO4TV service, we collect, store and process quality-of-service-relevant data such as transmission quality and switching time, loading time and any additional buffer times for your TV use for statistical purposes, all data are stored and evaluated for 3 months.

  • GO4TV app. and/or GO4YU Calling app

    GO4YU app logs in with your phone number and/or using your user name and password, and data must be entered by you. For quality assurance, usage data is processed anonymously. We collect, store and process GO4YU quality-of-service-relevant data such as transmission quality and switching time, loading time and any additional buffer times for your service use for statistical purposes, all data are stored and evaluated for 3 months.


    In the GO4HOMEPHONE service, we collect, store and process your traffic usage and all personal data necessary for providing the service as described in this Privacy policy.

  • Advertising

    If you expressly agree that you would like to receive personalized advertisements from GO4YU, your personal information such as email address, telephone number or address will be used. Your information that GO4YU receives during your visit to our website helps to permanently improve your customer experience and to make it more customer-friendly and individual. The information you submit and automatically generate is used to design advertising tailored to you and your interests (“behavioral advertising). GO4YU uses existing information such as receipt and read receipt of emails, your order history, your service history, the date and time of your visit to the website or products, that you have viewed. When emailing and analyzing your behavioral data, GO4YU works with MailChimp and Google Analytics. In addition, information such as your current tariff, your last device purchased at GO4YU, as well as automatically generated data such as your actual consumption, the use of installed GO4YU apps or your current location are evaluated. We use this information to refine our goods and services to better tailor them to your needs and to communicate with you about other services of GO4YU that may interest you.

    The double opt-in procedure is used when you register on the website and/or buy the services through our web-shop, in which by confirming your e-mail address again it is ensured that you have consented to the receipt of the advertisement. You may object to your consent at any time, for any reason whatsoever, for the future, through the opt-out link in the email or through the Customer service.

  • SMS notification

    We use third-party providers: CLX, Infobip and Telekom Srbija, to deliver our SMS messages. We gather statistics around SMS opening and clicks. For more information how this these providers use your information, please see their privacy notice.

  • E-newsletter

    We use a third-party provider, MailChimp, to deliver our e-newsletters. We gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies including clear gifs to help us monitor and improve our e-newsletter. For more information, please see MailChimp's privacy notice.

  • Customer surveys

    GO4YU strives to increase the satisfaction of its customers with the services and customer interfaces in order to be able to implement appropriate improvement measures. For this purpose, if you have consented to the receipt of offers and products from GO4YU and participation in the survey, you can be contacted by telephone, by SMS or e-mail, from partner agencies of GO4YU or GO4YU directly in order to collect your opinion about survey questions.The agencies receive your master and profile data for the survey. In the survey itself, you can decide for yourself whether you want to give your opinion anonymously or personally to GO4YU.

    You may revoke your consent to participate in a Customer Survey at any time, by contacting our Customer service.

  • Sending important information about your contract

    In some situations, GO4YU is required by law to keep you informed. This may, for example, be a change to your contract (eg the adjustment of the monthly basic charge or a tariff change), the cessation or modification of a particular service, a delivery delay of ordered equipment. In other cases, we would like to inform you about planned changes in good time to avoid any inconvenience. For example, when scheduled maintenance on our network is done in certain areas. In order to be able to inform you personally, your master data and additional information such as your current tariff, additional packages you use or your last device bought at GO4YU are processed. This service information will be sent to you via SMS, e-mail, telephone, post, on your monthly bill or as a push message in GO4YU Apps. For the postal mailing, GO4YU works with partner agencies.

  • Profiling (if applicable).

    GO4YU strives to provide its customers with the best possible quality of the products and services. GO4YU will use automated data processing techniques to analyze customer behavior. These data processing techniques are called profiling. These procedures allow us, for example, to provide you with a suitable personal offer based on your previous telephony or TV service behavior (eg a tariff offer with more traffic volume if your usage increases or better conditions for contract extensions), and also help us to identify faults in the services or products at an early stage and to remedy them as quickly as possible.

Websites and Social Media
Analysis of the use of the website

We use various software to analyze the use of our websites to gain valuable insight into the needs of our website visitors. These insights help us to constantly improve the quality of our offerings.

Cookies policy

We collect non-identifiable personal information through technology, such as “cookies” and other technologies (such as web beacons and pixel tags). Cookies are small data files stored on your computer’s (PC, laptop) hard drive, smartphone, tablet or any other device connected to the internet by a website. Cookies allow an analysis of your user behavior, but also allow you to be recognized as a visitor to our website and you do not have to log in again. For this purposes, our server accesses your cookies and processes the stored information.

Cookies are used both to improve the quality of service, including the storage of user preferences, and to track visitor trends, such as which products you have viewed and ordered. If the "cookies" function is activated in your browser settings on your computer/device, GO4YU can recognize the browser of the local computer and offer you the advantageous functions of the cookies. Basically, cookies used to analyze user behavior are automatically deleted after 30-90 days.

So-called session cookies are automatically deleted after 30 minutes if you close your browser or use the logout function. They contain only a randomly generated identifier that allows you to be recognized during a session while using the website. Permanent cookies are only set if you allow them in your browser settings and you additionally agree. For example, it's a permanent cookie if you allow the "remember me/stay signed in" feature. Such cookies are stored for a period of one year and extended with regular use.

You can easily manage cookies yourself: enable and disable cookies. You can manage cookies by following the procedure for the browser you use:

However, disabling cookie functionality may prevent you from using certain benefits or features when visiting the website. Therefore, we recommend that you enable the cookie feature.

  • Third-party cookies

    Third-party cookies are not created by GO4YU, but by another provider (third party). Such cookies can, on the one hand, track your visits to third-party websites and display those advertisements on GO4YU-party websites or, on the other hand, play out advertisements from GO4YU on other websites. These cookies are automatically deleted after a period of time specified by the third-party providers (usually between 7 days and 2 years). In the browser settings, you can set exactly whether you allow third-party cookies or only those from the website you are visiting.

  • Google

    Our website uses Google services such as Google Analytics, AdWords, YouTube and Google Maps. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). By using Google services within the website of GO4YU, a direct connection between your browser and the Google server may be established when a page is loaded via the plug-in. Through the connection, browser-specific data can be transmitted, and cookies can be stored by Google, which, among other things, can identify the user's browser. Please note that GO4YU, the operator of the website, is not aware of the full content of the data transmitted and its use by Google. The integration of the plugins is not always visible to the user. Google's privacy policy can be found here: and the Google Analytics security and privacy principles can be found here:

  • Google Analytics

    Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google. Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and that allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, if IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address provided by Google Analytics as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. You can prevent the storage of cookies by a corresponding setting of your browser software; however, we point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website in full. You may also record the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website and install the available browser plugin.

  • For Internet Explorer, third-party cookies must be enabled.

    The cookies for Google Analytics will be deleted after 26 months. For more information about Terms of Use and Privacy, please visit and . We point out that on this website Google Analytics has been extended by the code "anonymizeIp" to ensure an anonymous collection of IP addresses (so-called IP-Masking).

  • YouTube

    Our website uses plugins from YouTube, belonging to Google Inc. As soon as you visit websites with a YouTube plug-in, you will be connected to the servers of YouTube. The Youtube server will be told which specific page of the website of GO4YU you visited. If you are also logged in to your YouTube account, YouTube would allow you to associate your browsing experience directly with your personal profile. You can prevent this possibility of assignment if you log out of your account beforehand. For more information about YouTube's collection and use of your information, please read the YouTube’s privacy policy.

  • AdWords

    Our website uses "Google Remarketing" to offer you advertising on other platforms that fit the click behavior on this website. If you click on a specific topic on this site, Google will save your interest in the subject and may from time to time advertise on various platforms you visit and display Google's "Adwords" ads fits this topic. This advertisement may refer to offers of GO4YU, but also third-party offers. To do this, Google saves a cookie on your computer that allows your user interests to be assigned to your computer (for details on cookies, see the "Google Analytics" section). Your interests are recorded anonymously and are not associated with your personal data. On link you can set ads preferences. At this address, it is also possible to disable the use of cookies by Google.

    If you have consented to Google linking your web and app browsing history to your Google Account, and using the information you see on the web from your Google Account to personalize your ads, Google associates that information with Google Analytics Data to create and define audiences for cross-device remarketing. To support this feature, Google Analytics will collect unique IDs. You can change your settings under "My Account" on Google.

  • Google Maps

    Our website uses the product Google Maps by Google Inc. In use, information about your use of the website (including your IP address) may be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. You can find the terms of use of Google Maps under “Terms of Use of Google Maps”.

  • Social media

    On Our website so-called social plugins ("plugins") of the following social networks, are used: Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+, Instagram. These services are provided by the companies Facebook Inc., Google Inc., LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company/LinkedIn Corporation and Instagram LLC ("Provider").

    Facebook is operated by Facebook Inc., CA 94304, USA ("Facebook"). An overview of the plugins of Facebook and their appearance can be found here: .

    LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, Sunnyvale, California, USA or LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company (“LinkedIn”). An overview of the plugins of LinkedIn and their appearance can be found here:

    Instagram is operated by Instagram LLC., CA 94025, USA ("Instagram"). An overview of the Instagram plugins and their appearance can be found here: .

    If a social plugin is called in the context of the use of the products of GO4YU, your browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of the respective social network. The content of the social plugin is transmitted directly to the browser and integrated by the latter into the digital platform called up. Through this integration, the information that the user has called up the corresponding digital platform is forwarded to the social network. If you are logged in to this social network, the social plugin can associate the digital platform call with your account. For example, you confirm the "Like" button on our website or share content. This information is transmitted directly from the browser to the social network and stored there.

    For more information on the purpose and extent of the use of data by the social networks and the privacy settings, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective social networks. To prevent social networks from using the data generated by your use of our products, you must log out of the social networks before accessing the respective digital platform.

  • Facebook Custom Audiences

    Our website uses the remarketing feature "Custom Audiences" of Facebook. This function serves to present to visitors of our website, as part of their visit to the social network Facebook, interest-based advertisements ("Facebook Ads"). For this purpose, the Facebook remarketing tag (“Facebook pixel”) was implemented on our website. Through this tag, a direct connection to the Facebook servers is made when visiting the website. It is transmitted to the Facebook server that you have visited this website and Facebook assigns this information to your personal Facebook user account. For more information on the collection and use of data by Facebook and your rights on data protection, see the privacy policy of Facebook You can disable the remarketing feature "Custom Audiences" at For this you must be logged in to Facebook.

  • Log data

    When you visit our website, the web servers temporarily store each access in a log file or a so-called log file. The following data is collected and stored until automated deletion:

    - IP address

    - Date and time of access

    - http method and url request

    - http code that is returned

    - length of response in bytes

    - the url of the page from which the request was sent

    - identification of browser

    A merge of this data with other data sources will not be done. In addition, the data will be deleted after a statistical evaluation by the application server after a maximum of 54 weeks.


You and GO4YU GmbH (collectively “The Parties”) agree that the laws of Austria, excluding conflict of laws rules, shall exclusively govern any dispute relating to this Privacy policy or any other binding document that You have with GO4YU. In the event of misunderstanding or dispute that may arise from this Privacy policy, the Parties shall strive to resolve it amicably, by mutual agreement. All disputes which cannot be settled as envisaged previously, shall be finally settled by the competent court in Vienna, Austria.

Modifications, effective date

The Privacy Policy applies to your use of our website and services after the “effective date.”

We may occasionally update all or parts of this Privacy Policy at any time and without individual notice to you, but we will always publish the notice if we make material changes to this Privacy policy through our website or our service. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about our information practices. If you object to any changes, please stop using our website and/or close your account if applicable/contact us without delay.

You acknowledge that your continued use of our website and our services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that the collection, use and sharing of your personal data is subject to the updated Privacy Policy and will be deemed as your acceptance of those changes.

Last version: effective date 25th of May 2018

Wir teilen Ihnen hiermit entsprechend den Bestimmungen der DSGVO (VO EU 2016/679) sowie des Datenschutzgesetzes (idF des Datenschutz-Anpassungsgesetzes 2018) wichtige Informationen betreffend Datenschutz mit:

  • Name und Kontaktdaten des Verantwortlichen: MTEL Austria GmbH, Fleischmarkt Ausstellungsstraße 50, 2. Stock, 1020 Wien,, +43 1 205 774 10 23
  • Kontaktdaten des Datenschutzbeauftragten: Herr Nikola Djakovic, Ausstellungsstraße 50, 2. Stock, 1020 Wien,; +43 667 7946555
  • Verarbeitungszwecke, Rechtsgrundlagen der Verarbeitung und Empfänger der Daten: Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten zur Erbringung der Dienstleistungen aufgrund des mit Ihnen abgeschlossenen; Rechtsgrundlage ist der mit Ihnen abgeschlossene Vertrag sowie Ihre Einwilligung zur Verarbeitung der Daten.
    Empfänger der Daten: Konzerngesellschaften der Telekom Serbien Gruppe, insbesondere Telekomunikacije Republike Srpske a.d., Vuka Karadzica broj 2, BIH- 78000 Banja Luka, Telekom Srbija a.d., Takovska 2, SRB-11000 Belgrad; weiters haben wir ein berechtigtes Interesse, Ihre Daten zur Erfüllung der vertraglichen Verpflichtungen an Unternehmen weiterzugeben, dies etwa an ein Druckereiunternehmen für die postalisch zugesandten Rechnungen oder auch an unseren Steuerberater für die Buchhaltung; wir geben Ihre Daten an Unternehmen zur Erbringung der vertraglichen Leistungen nur dann weiter, wenn wir mit diesen Unternehmen einen Vertrag als Auftragsverarbeiter abgeschlossen haben und dadurch die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten gewährleistet ist; wir informieren Sie weiters hiermit darüber, dass wir zur Evaluierung der Bonität Ihre Daten an die Bisnode Austria GmbH weitergegeben haben; hierauf wurden Sie bereits vor Abschluss des Vertrages informiert und haben Sie Ihre Zustimmung erteilt; weiters werden wir im Falle, dass Sie der Ihnen obliegenden Zahlungspflicht binnen 14 Tagen nach Fälligkeit nicht nachkommen und Sie keinen Einspruch gegen eine Rechnung erhoben haben, Ihre Daten an den KSV 1870 weitergeben. Sofern wir gesetzlich oder durch Behörden oder Gerichte gezwungen sind, Ihre Daten weiterzugeben, werden wir diesen Verpflichtungen nachkommen.
  • Wir informieren Sie darüber, dass wir die Daten zur Erbringung unserer Dienstleistungen an Sie an Konzerngesellschaften der MTel Gruppe außerhalb der Europäischen Union übermitteln werden, konkret nach Bosnien Herzegowina sowie Serbien; für diese Länder fehlt ein Angemessenheitsbeschluss der Europäischen Kommission; der Datenschutz ist jedoch gewährleistet, zumal wir mit diesen Gesellschaften von der EU vorgegebene Standardverträge als Auftragsverarbeiter abgeschlossen haben und wir über entsprechende Garantien verfügen und verbindliche interne Datenschutzvorschriften bestehen; wir informieren Sie gerne über diese bestehenden Garantien.
  • Wir informieren Sie darüber, dass wir Ihre Daten nur solange aufbewahren werden, wie dies aufgrund gesetzlicher Bestimmungen sowie allfälliger Bestimmungen in unseren AGB zwingend notwendig ist.
  • Wir informieren Sie hiermit über Ihre Rechte als Betroffener: Sie haben jederzeit das Recht auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung, Datenübertragbarkeit und Widerspruch; nehmen Sie einfach mit uns Kontakt auf und wir informieren Sie gerne ausführlich über diese Betroffenenrechte.
  • Weiters haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Einwilligung zu widerrufen; wenden Sie sich hierzu über die obig angesprochenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten an uns; wir weisen darauf hin, dass wir im Falle des Widerrufes unseren vertraglichen Verpflichtungen nicht mehr nachkommen können und dies (unter Einhaltung der vertraglichen Kündigungsfristen) zur Beendigung des Vertrages führen würde.
  • Sie haben das Recht, bei der Österreichischen Datenschutzbehörde, Wickenburggasse 8, 1080 Wien, Beschwerde zu erheben; weiters haben Sie aufgrund der Bestimmungen des TKG das Recht, bei der Telekom Kontroll Kommission (TKK) und bei der Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR), jeweils Mariahilfer Straße 77-79, 1060 Wien, Beschwerde einzubringen.
  • Die Bereitstellung der personenbezogenen Daten ist sowohl nach den Bestimmungen des TKG sowie vertraglich vorgeschrieben und für einen Vertragsabschluss erforderlich; zur Erbringung unserer Dienstleistungen sind Sie verpflichtet, die personenbezogenen Daten bereitzustellen; im Falle der Nichtbereitstellung wären wir nicht in der Lage, unsere vertraglichen Leistungen zu erbringen.


Sie stimmen hiermit zu, dass ihre persönlichen Daten, nämlich Name/Firma, Anschrift, Geburtsdatum/Firmenbuchnummer , Kontaktdaten (Tel, E-Mail, Fax), Daten zur Bonität, Bank- oder Kreditkartendaten, UID Nummer, Kontaktdaten der Kontaktperson, zum Zweck der Erbringung von Leistungen im Rahmen des Vertrages wie etwa dem Betrieb des Call Centers sowie zur Zusendung von Werbematerial über die Produkte der MTel Austria GmbH verarbeitet werden und die vorgenannten Daten zum Zweck der Erfüllung des Vertrages wie etwa der zentralen Abwicklung des Kunden-Managements an die obig angeführten Unternehmen („Empfänger der Daten“) und aufgrund unseres berechtigten Interesses an weitere zwingend notwendige Unternehmen zur Erfüllung des Vertrages weitergegeben werden.

Diese Einwilligung kann jederzeit bei MTel Austria GmbH widerrufen werden.